The difference between a sump pump and a sewer pump
While both do a similar job of pumping water up and out of a pit, these two types of pumps are actually quite different in design.
A sump pump is designed to pump rain water or ground water up and out of a pit. The pit never receives any other types of water or debris. These types of pits are typically not as big as a sewer pump pit, and of course stay much cleaner.
A sewer pump is designed to pump not only water, but all the waste that might enter a sewer system with normal use. Sewer pumps are designed to pump solids that are as big as a 2” sphere per plumbing codes. Some sewer pits grind the waste into smaller pieces before ejecting them into the waste pipe.
Sometimes drains need a boost with a pump to get the waste water to its destination or storage area. Trust the local plumbing experts at Professional Choice Plumbing to give that pump a pick me up when things go bad. These types of pumps are generally in a pit of some sort that accumulates the water and debris and then pumps it away after a set amount of water has entered the pit. Regular maintenance and inspections are required to keep these systems operating efficiently.
If you need a plumber in the Ocala and the Villages area to work on your sump pit, look no further than Professional Choice Plumbing for your needs. We will gladly give you the options for a repair or replacement of your existing pump.
• Is your pump not running?
• Is the water level high in the pit?
• Is the line blocked?
• Do you hear a strange noise or maybe no noise when you should?
• Is a alarm sounding?
• Is the pump just old?
These are some of the more common reasons service or replacement might be needed. To have a plumber come a take a look give Professional Choice Plumbing a call at (352) 778 - 1002